Boston Restaurant Tour
A ring from an old colleague comes through the line. An answer with a bright voice jumps to the phone and we begin chatting about the past and the present. It’s Queen D, a good friend we met during her time with Toast, for a short period – a contracted Project Manager for PMG, and, of course, a friend for life. We were happy to learn Deanna is now working for Lyon’s Group, in Boston, MA., a restaurant group that develops experiences and opportunities within the hospitality industry. Yes, one of my favorite subjects.
Pack your bags, we’re shipping it to Boston!
Matty D, a Managing Partner and Head of Video Production, gathers his thoughts and begins master-minding the perfect production plan for our Boston trip. In the early stages of the project we schedule our travel, our pack list, our hit list, our shot list, and the crew we’re going to be taking on set. In this instance our line up was the following: Roger Dean (Photographer), Mike Colon (PA / Grip), Charles Moyer (Creative Director / Buffer), Matt Dunstan (Director of Ops / Videographer). Some might consider this a light team, but get to know us and you’ll come to realize it’s a STACKED team.

Boston Arrival
We arrived on a Tuesday evening to a nice little Airbnb located on the outskirts of Boston’s madness. Our crew is tight, and we usually prefer an Airbnb to a hotel. I suppose you didn’t ask for the insight on this piece of information, but I’m going to fill you in because it adds a little “togetherness” to our story. Airbnb’s are nice because they hold our team accountable. It allows us to eat dinners as a team, gives us time for some back and forth camaraderie, allows us to schedule a shot list, run through our plan of attack for next day hustles, and keeps us all in the same headspace as we rest up and get ready for our shoot day.
Shoot Day – Bar Moxy & Rochambeau
Fire up some coffee and let’s pack up. The energy and focus in the room is strong. Almost as if there is a sense of adrenaline throughout the crew. We get excited, we’re passionate, it’s what we love to do. The van (Colonel) gets packed up. All batteries are charged and the checklist is complete.
We arrive at our first destination, Rochambeau. I slightly fell in the love with the interior of this place and knew it was going to be a special day. The interior decor on this location was flawless, every corner was thought about, every tile was detailed and dialed. It definitely took a special team to develop this concept.
Our tasks for the day were to highlight their private event space, highlight the space overall, and grab some food & bev content along the way. We started in the private event space and began our shot list. From a bird’s eye view it might have looked like a bunch of bees flying around a restaurant with cameras capturing all of its best angles. It’s exciting, fun, creative, and strategic. Have a closer look:
Photos By: Roger Dean
Bar Moxy was our night shift destination. A bit tired, but still going strong and focused on the change of space that was at hand. In this space we were tasked to grab some interior shots of the roof top lounge, some interiors of the downstairs bar, and a few shots of the food & bev. Heres out it turned out:
That’s a wrap!
A great shoot with great people. Our crew went from Philadelphia to Boston in three days with a full day of photoshoots and video productions. We’re always honored to work within such incredible spaces. Keep in touch as we continue to build out our case study on the video production that came along with this photoshoot… It’s stunning!